
How Do You Understand the Basics of Electrical Work?

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How Do You Understand the Basics of Electrical Work?

Many people fear electrical work, and it's true that there should be a healthy respect of its potential for causing danger. However, learning about electricity is not impossible, and honestly, it's not as scary as you might imagine. Hi, my name is Pat, and I love to help other people with DIY projects. In this blog, I want to focus on electrical work, learning the basics of electricity and related topics. When I'm not writing, I love to surf, teach my son new DIY tricks, spend time with my wife and run. Of course, I also have to work, and during the week, you can find me selling tyres at a local shop.

Planning Your New Home? 4 Out-Of-The-Way Places You Need Extra Lighting

If you're building your own home, you have the perfect opportunity to get everything right, down to the last detail. One of those is the lighting. You know that you need lighting in each room of the house, as well as at each of your exterior doors. However, if you're like most homeowners, you forget about the other areas that might need lighting. Adding lighting to these key areas can make life much easier for you and can even reduce the risks for accidents and injuries. Here are just four of the key places you need to add lighting if you're building your home. 

On Your Stairway

If you're going to have stairways in your home, you need to have sufficient lighting. Most homeowners fail to properly illuminate their stairways, which increases the risk for falls. Luckily, that risk can be greatly reduced by installing light fixtures along the stairs. You might think that installing a light fixture on the wall of your staircase is sufficient, but that's not the case. You actually need to install lights along each of the stairs. That way, you can ensure safety on every step. 

Inside the Cabinets

If you've decided to install lighting under the kitchen cabinets, you've taken an important step towards proper kitchen illumination. After all, under-cabinet lighting allows you to utilise your counter space more effectively. However, there's another place that needs lighting as well, and that's inside the cabinets. When you have lighting installed inside the cabinets, you'll be able to find what you're looking for, even in the middle of the night. As an added benefit, in-cabinet lighting makes cleanup easier, since you can see all the crumbs that are left behind. 

Above the Island

If you're going to have an island cook station in your kitchen, it's time to plan for some overhead lighting. Recessed lighting is the perfect way to add more lighting to your cook station. If you plan to use your island as additional seating for the family, recessed lighting is an ideal option for that as well. 

In Your Showers

If you've ever stepped into a dark shower and struggled to find your hygiene products, you know where you need additional lighting. There was a time when you couldn't put lighting in the shower, but that's no longer the case. With modern technology, you can now have lighting safely installed in your shower.